Welcome all ye pollywogs and shellbacks! Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a curious newcomer, our blog is your ultimate resource for all things sailing and Newport. Set sail with us as we navigate through a sea of captivating topics, from the art of sailing to the rich history and vibrant culture of Newport, Rhode Island. Fair winds and following seas await!






things to do In Newport

July 18, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Sailing Lessons in Newport, RI (2024)

sailing lessons in newport, ri

Ahoy, fellow adventurers! Welcome to your ultimate guide to sailing lessons in Newport, RI.

Have you ever dreamed of harnessing the wind and gliding across the sparkling waters of all 147 square miles of Narragansett Bay? 

Well, you’re in luck.

Newport, Rhode Island isn’t just a picturesque coastal town – it’s the Sailing Capital of the World and the perfect place to start your sailing lessons in Newport, RI.

Did you know that Newport has hosted the America’s Cup, the world’s oldest international sporting trophy, 12 times?

That’s right, this is the perfect place to learn the ropes (pun intended) of sailing.

So, hoist the mainsail, and let’s dive into the ultimate guide to sailing lessons in Newport, RI.

Why Choose Newport for Sailing Lessons?

First, let’s talk about why Newport is THE place for sailing lessons.

Trust me, I’ve been around the block when it comes to sailing, and Newport Harbor is something special.

First off, the history here is insane. Did you know Newport’s been hosting the America’s Cup since way back in 1930? 

There is a crazy amount of nautical history here.

But it’s not just about the history. The waters here are perfect too.

Narragansett Bay is like a sailor’s playground.

You’ve got these protected areas where beginners can practice without worrying about huge waves.

And then when you’re ready to level up, you’ve got open ocean right there. It’s the best of both worlds.

Sailing Schools

The number of sailing schools here can be a bit overwhelming at first.

But you know what? That competition has made everyone step up their game. 

Whether you want a laid-back instructor or someone more hardcore, Newport’s got you covered.

In terms of sailing school, we of course recommend Newport Sailing Lessons. Not only are your instructors ASA certified, but we consistently get 5-star reviews all while being one of the most cost-effective schools in town.

After Your Lesson

Sailing isn’t the only thing to do in Newport. But, the sailing community here is something really special. 

After your lessons, you can hit up one of the local sailor bars and swap stories with folks who’ve sailed all over the world.

It’s like an instant family, no matter where you’re from.

Look, I’m not gonna lie and say everything’s perfect. Sometimes the fog rolls in and messes up our lesson plans.

And yeah, parking can be a nightmare in the summer, but trust me, when you’re out there on the water, feeling the wind in your hair and the salt on your skin, none of that stuff matters.

So if you’re thinking about taking sailing lessons, do yourself a favor and come to Newport.

Whether you’re a total newbie or looking to brush up on your skills, this place has got everything you need. 

Types of Sailing Lessons Available in Newport

In terms of sailing lessons available, Newport has tons of options available.

First up, we’ve got beginner courses for all you landlubbers just dipping your toes in the water.

These are perfect if you don’t know your bow from your stern yet. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Next, we’ve got intermediate lessons for those of you who’ve got some experience under your belt.

Maybe you’ve taken a few lessons before, or you grew up messing around on your uncle’s sailboat.

These courses are great for ironing out those bad habits and really honing your skills.

But here’s the million-dollar question: private or group lessons? Both have their perks.

Private lessons give you one-on-one attention. Group lessons? They’re usually cheaper, and you get to learn from other people’s mistakes.

Plus, it’s a great way to make some sailing buddies.

Luckily for you, we offer both group and private sailing lessons, as well as chartered tours and sunset cruises for those who just want to relax. 

Now, I’ll be honest with you. Some of these courses can be pricey. But think of it this way – you’re not just paying for a lesson, you’re investing in a lifelong skill.

And trust me, once you get bitten by the sailing bug, there’s no going back.

The best part? No matter what type of lesson you choose, you’re learning in Newport. That means you’re not just getting instruction – you’re getting immersed in sailing culture.

It’s like learning to cook in Paris or studying art in Florence.

So whether you’re looking to just get your feet wet or you’re aiming to be the next America’s Cup champion, Newport’s got a course for you. 

Just remember, every expert was once a beginner. So don’t be afraid to start small and work your way up.

What To Expect For Your First Sailing Lesson

what does a beginner sailing lesson look like?
beginner sailing lesson in newport, ri
Sailing lessons on our boat, Hope

Let’s talk about what you’re in for when you show up for your first sailing lesson. Trust me, I’ve been there – both as a newbie and as an instructor who’s seen it all.

First things first: don’t panic! I remember my first lesson like it was yesterday. I was so nervous. But here’s the thing: everyone starts somewhere.

What Does A Beginner Sailing Lesson Look Like?

First, we’ll start on dry land and you’ll get to know your boat, and you’ll learn some basic sailing terms

Now, I won’t lie to you – it can feel like learning a whole new language at first. Port, starboard, bow, stern… it might sound like gibberish now, but trust me, it’ll become second nature before you know it.

Next, here’s where it gets real: understanding wind direction, or, points of a sail.  This is the heart and soul of sailing.

It’s also where I see a lot of newbies get a bit overwhelmed. But here’s a little secret: it’s not as complicated as it looks.

Safety is a big deal, obviously. We’ll go over all the safety procedures and equipment. Life jackets, man overboard drills, the works.

I know it can seem a bit scary, but remember: sailing is actually incredibly safe when you know what you’re doing.

Oh, and a heads up: most beginner lessons are about 1.5 hours long. It might not sound like much, but trust me, it’s plenty.

Sailing can be physically and mentally demanding when you’re just starting out.

But don’t let that scare you off – your first sailing lesson is the start of an amazing adventure. 

Preparing for Your Sailing Adventure

Now let’s talk about prepping for your big adventure on the high seas (or, you know, Narragansett Bay).

Trust me, a little preparation goes a long way when it comes to sailing.

What To Wear

Listen, I know you want to look like a snazzy sailor in those crisp whites, but let’s be real — comfort is key here.

I once had a student show up in flip-flops and a sundress. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well.

Stick with non-slip shoes (seriously, the deck gets slippery), quick-drying clothes, layers, and a hat.

Trust me, you’ll thank me later when you’re not squinting into the sun all day.


Sunscreen is your new best friend out there. The sun reflects off the water, and before you know it, you’re as red as a lobster.

A water bottle is crucial too – sailing is thirsty work! And don’t forget a light jacket or windbreaker. The weather can change faster than you can say “Ahoy matey”.

Physical Requirements

You don’t need to be an Olympic athlete, but a basic level of fitness helps.

You’ll be moving around the boat, pulling ropes (sorry, “lines” in sailor-speak), and sometimes scrambling to adjust sails.

I once had a student who couldn’t do a simple squat – let’s just say getting in and out of the boat was… interesting.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: seasickness. It happens to the best of us. But don’t let it scare you off!

There are plenty of over-the-counter remedies that can help. Ginger is great too.

And here’s a pro tip: keep your eyes on the horizon — it really does help.

Weather considerations

how to prepare for a sailing lesson
what to wear to a sailing lesson
Captain Kate, aboard Hope

Newport’s got some great sailing weather, but it can be unpredictable. Summer’s obviously prime time, with warm temps and steady winds.

But don’t discount spring and fall – fewer crowds and some awesome breezes. Winter? Well, let’s just say it’s for the truly dedicated (or slightly crazy).

The Best Times To Sail In Newport 

Early morning or late afternoon are best. The light is gorgeous, and you often get these perfect, steady winds.

Plus, there’s something magical about watching the sunset from the water. Just make sure you’re back before dark unless you’re ready for a whole new challenge!

Here’s the thing: preparing for your sailing adventure isn’t just about packing the right stuff. It’s about getting in the right mindset.

Be ready to learn, to make mistakes, and to have an absolute blast — there’s nothing quite like the feeling of catching that perfect wind and gliding across the water.

Pack smart, stay safe, and get ready for an unforgettable experience.

And remember, if you forget something, don’t sweat it too much. We sailors are a resourceful bunch – we’ll figure it out.

Now get out there and set sail!


There you have it, – your comprehensive guide to sailing lessons in Newport, RI.

From the gentle lapping of waves against your hull to the exhilarating rush of catching the perfect wind, learning to sail in Newport is an adventure you’ll never forget.

Whether you’re a landlubber looking to dip your toes into the world of sailing or an experienced sailor aiming to hone your skills, Newport’s pristine waters and expert instructors are waiting to welcome you aboard.

So why wait? Grab your deck shoes, don your captain’s hat, and set sail on your nautical journey today.